The Kingdom Fungi


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This presentation is Copyright 2000 by Thomas J. Volk, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

When viewing the following presentation, be sure to scroll down on the page to see the accompanying notes.

Table of Contents

The Kingdom Fungi


Classification of Organisms

Three Domains

The five kingdom system-- or four or five kingdoms within Eukarya

Alternatively, The three kingdom system:

Classification of Fungi

White button pizza mushroom

Characteristics of fungi

more fungi characteristics 2

more fungi characteristics 3

more fungi characteristics 4

Recent molecular evidence strongly suggests that fungi are probably more closely related to animals that to either plants or protists!

Lack of Chlorophyll profoundly affects the lifestyle of fungi:

The vegetative growth form in a great majority of the fungi consists of a system of thread-like, walled, more or less cylindrical, hyphae (singular --hypha) making up what is called a mycelium (plural--mycelia). Some have a single celled vegetative form called a yeast.

Nutritional status of fungi



Mutualists (symbionts):


Types of Mycorrhizae




Lichen ecology

Lichen uses


As a group, fungi are very successful organisms:

Many fungi are harmful to human interests:

Many fungi are very useful to humans:

Fungi are important experimental organisms

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in fungi

Sexual Reproduction (teleomorph)

Sexual reproduction

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Nuclear cycles of various fungal groups

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Four major phyla of Fungi, based on the method of producing sexual spores:

Chytridiomycota — sexual and asexual spores motile, with posterior flagella

Zygomycota— sexual spores are thick walled resting spores called zygospores --asexual spores are borne internally in a sporangium

Ascomycota—sexual spores borne internally in a sac called an ascus-- asexual spores are borne externally as conidia

Basidiomycota—sexual spores borne externally on a club-shaped structure called a basidium. Usually no asexual spores

“deuteromycetes”-- no known sexual state, usually reproduces by conidia as asexual state

Asexual reproduction

Asexual Spores

Asexual spores

Yeast reproduction

Fruiting bodies

Surface area and reproduction

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Blunt ridges

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Upright branches (corals)

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Thanks for visiting!

Author: Tom Volk
Dept. of Biology
3024 Cowley Hall
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
La Crosse, WI 54601 USA


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