Other images of Fungi
About 1000 additional 50-150 kbyte JPEG images may be found at my gopher site at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
You may enter the gopher site through this gateway.
Below are some smaller JPEG images.
Boletus frostii, rare in Wisconsin
Sarcodon teeth
Stages in Cortinarius development
Cortanarius zakii from northern Wisconsin
This is a longitudinal section of an interesting (and oddly beautiful) tooth fungus, Hydnellum caeruleum
And of course, no fungi web page would be complete without a picture of the famous specimen of
Dictyophora duplicata from the 1994 NAMA foray at Montreat, North Carolina.
Note the two flies attracted by the
foul smell. These flies facilitate genetic crossing of the spores from different individuals of this fungus
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