A searchable index of the gopher can be found at gopher:// /7
You can also use the new clickable index below to get to the higher levels of taxonomy.
You are welcome to link to these images; however, please do not link directly to the gopher or this page, but please link through my home page--
There are more than 1000 images of fungi from nearly every taxonomic
group represented in this collection.
You'll notice the image collection is heavily tilted toward the
I used an earlier version of this collection in teaching
Mycology (Botany/ Plant Pathology 332) at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison in the fall of 1994 and at the UW-La Crosse in Fall 1996, 1997, and 1998.
I have polished all of the original Photoshop images individually---
sharpening, adjusting color, cropping, etc.
The Photoshop images were then converted to JPEG images and uploaded to the
My teaching collection also includes a number of tables, charts,
life-cycles, drawings, and other people's images from copyrighted sources,
which of course have not been included on this gopher.
The images here are in JPEG format, 50-150 kbytes, occasionally larger.
I have found this image size to be an ideal compromise between resolution
for viewing or projection and the need to bring up images quickly.
Visit Mike Clayton's
Virtual Foliage Home Page
for information on how these images were digitized.
For further information please see Tom Volk's Fungi Home
Page .
you can write to me at:
A reminder
of endings used at various taxonomic levels
in the nomenclature of Fungi to help you navigate the gopher:
Kingdom Fungi Phylum (-mycota) Class (-mycetes) Order (-ales) Family (-aceae) Genus and species *note that Phylum is now preferred over Division, so the mnemonic is now "King Phillip can order five green shirts" rather than "King David..."
Organization: In most cases images are filed within a genus folder, but in certain cases where there is only one image in a genus, a genus folder was not always created. Within a genus folder, each image is named with first leter of genus, followed by a period followed by the epithet, and occasionally other information such as collection number. tjv indicates Thomas J. Volk
Please ask before using these images. Mostly I am interested in how these images are being used by various people and groups. Use of these images in any distributed instructional material must include some reference to their origin. You may not use these images in a distributed or copyrighted publication without written permission.
Tom Volk
Dept. of Biology and Microbiology
3024 Cowley Hall
University of
Wisconsin-La Crosse
La Crosse, WI 54601
for further information please see my homepage:
I have basically followed the fungal classification scheme in Alexopoulos, Mims and Blackwell, Introductory Mycology 4th edition, 1996. John Wiley & Sons.