Domain Eukarya / Kingdom Fungi

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Characteristics: Eukaryotic: Members with a body consisting of hyphae which collectively constitute a mycelium. These are either saprophytic or parasitic and digest food extracellularly; no flagella; cell walls of chitin; predominately haploid with plasmogamy and karyogamy often separated in time resulting in the occurrence of a persistent dikaryotic stage.

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The Zygomycetes is now considered to be a polyphyletic group and the cladistic organization of these fungi are being reconsidered. Hence we do not require that you know the phylum, Zygomycota.

Sexual stage is a zygosporangium; also, coencytic, no dikaryotic stage, plasmogamy and karyogamy not widely separated in time; thought to be the primitive division of the Fungi.

Recognize to genus


Know four types of hyphae and be able to recognize a zygosporangium and to interpret questions in light of your knowledge of the life cycle.

Recognize the various stages of zygosporangial development.



Sexual stage an ascus with ascospores; also hyphae cellular with incomplete septations, asexual reproduction often by conidia, plasmogamy and karyogamy separated in time resulting in a dikaryotic stage.

Recognize to genus



Blue mold; the source of penicillin, gives blue cheese its color, produces an abundance of conidia resulting in its blue color; be able to recognize conidia and conidiophores.

Recognize by common name:


Unicellular, cell division by budding, sexual stage an ascus, hence, included in the Ascomycota

Recognize by common name:

Powdery Mildew

Parasite on the leaves of plants. Reproduces vegetatively by conidia, which give infected leaves a powdery appearance, hence, the name. Asci contained in a completely closed ascoma called a cleistothecium. Recognize all structures relating to its life cycle seen in lab.

Recognize these genera by the Ascomata


Recognize microscopic views of hymenial layer, asci and ascospores of Morchella

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Sexual structure a basidium. Hyphae septated, but with perforations. Plasmogamy separated in time from karyogamy often with a persistent dikaryotic stage.

Recognize Fruiting bodies seen in lab to phylum, and kingdom.

Secnd group view of fruting bodies

Recognize a basidium and basidiospores when viewed through a microscope.

Recognize rusts and smuts as basidiomycetes

Link to page on wheat rust

Link to page on corn smut



Lichens are a mutualistic relationship between a fungus (usually an ascomycete) and either (usually) a green alga, or a cyanobacterium.

View macerated lichen showing the two symbionts

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